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Edumacation is important, especially for smart people like you who are sensible enough to realize you don’t know it all. Information is power, and having access to the right type of knowledge can dramatically change your life. To that end, here are some books that will explore some of the topics we discuss on this site in much greater detail. They should help you out on this journey called life, or at least help you seem a bit smarter in front of your friends.

Trauma & Recovery Books

The Resilient Mind
This book uses the principles of cognitive psychology to help you become more resilient in the face of life’s challenges. It discusses things like social psychology, perception, memory, irrational beliefs and the search for happiness, among many others. It concludes by taking readers on a journey through the customs of other cultures to show you just how much flexibility there truly is in the way you choose to look at things. It’s filled with more insight than you’re likely to get in a hundred therapy sessions, and at a fraction of the price. $7.99 Kindle eBook; all author proceeds from your purchase of this book are donated to charitable children’s programs.

How To Overcome Anything
This book is a self-help manual covering techniques you can use to recover from any type of trauma or difficult experience. It discusses how people cope, the reasons we suffer, and how to adopt the proper mindset towards adversity. Chapters are devoted to addressing each of the common negative emotions, such as fear, anger, shame, guilt, betrayal, and so forth. It includes step by step guides on meditation, focused breathing, nature therapy, writing therapy, and visualization exercises, among others. It offers guidelines on dealing with painful memories and stress-related sleep problems. It’s a great reference for professional therapists and a practical guidebook for laypeople looking to get a better handle on whatever distress they might be experiencing. $9.99 Kindle eBook; all author proceeds from your purchase of this book are donated to charitable children’s programs.

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