Whether you’re someone struggling with sleep problems of your own who would like to know where you stand, or simply someone looking to learn more about the subject, the following sleep statistics will give you a better idea about the state of sleep in America and elsewhere.
Sleep Statistic #1: A survey around the turn of the century found that half of adults now complain of difficulty sleeping, up from around one-third just a few years earlier. (Jacobs, 1998)
Sleep Statistic #2: At least 30 million adults suffer severe, chronic insomnia. (ibid)
Sleep Statistic #3: Chronic pain disrupts the slumber of an estimated 42 million Americans.
Sleep Statistic #4: 85% of insomniacs never seek medical help for their condition. (ibid)
Sleep Statistic #5: An estimated 84 million adults in the U.S. get fewer than 7 hours of sleep per night, and around 40 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, according to the National Institutes of Heath. (Eichenseher, 2016)