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The qualifications for marijuana addiction can be met without a user developing tolerance or suffering withdrawal. If you or a loved one has experienced three or more of the symptoms listed below within the past year, you qualify for a marijuana dependency and/or addiction:

A) You find you need to use more of the drug over time in order to get the same effects from it. (Increased tolerance.)

B) You feel anxious, irritable, have problems sleeping or experience other unpleasant symptoms when you try to stop using marijuana or go for an extended period without it. (Withdrawal symptoms)

C) You find yourself using the drug for longer periods or in larger amounts than you originally intended.

D) Attempts to reduce or control your marijuana use have not been successful.

E) You devote a lot of time toward the drug – either obtaining it, using it or recovering from its effects.

F) You forego important activities in life – such as work, recreation or social events–in order to use marijuana.

G) You continue using the drug despite the fact that it is making a physical or psychological problem in your life worse.

Anyone of these symptoms is a sign that you could be headed for trouble, and if you or a loved one is experiencing three or more of these symptoms, it might be time to seek help in curbing your habit.

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