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This person measures the degree of love in a relationship by the amount of time you spend with one another. Companionship is important to them. A person with this love style is going to be especially unhappy with husbands or wives who are engaged in demanding careers that leave them working late or traveling a lot.

Signs that quality time are especially important to your partner

Here are some signs that your partner falls into this category:

1.    He or she complains that it’s hard to get alone time together and says things like “We never spend time together anymore.”

2.    They fuss about how much time you spend at work or away with your friends.

3.    They are often planners, trying to arrange for times that will get you alone with them.

4.    They complain that you don’t share enough with them or open up to them emotionally.

Finding ways to add quality time to your relationship

You don’t have to quit your job or completely alter your schedule if your mate happens to fall into this category. Making simple changes to your everyday routine can vastly improve the way he or she feels about things, and you’ll probably find that these ideas add more enjoyment on your end as well.

1.    Find a few moments to set aside each day when you can give them your undivided attention.

2.    Take walks together. A simple 20 minute walk a few times a week can save a relationship.

3.    Talk! This person is also likely to care that you share the details of your life with them. So it’s important to talk to your partner about what goes on at work and during other times when you’re separated.

4.    Make a habit of eating meals together.

5.    Carpool together and talk along the way.

6.    Get in the habit of phoning your spouse on your lunch break from work to talk about your day.

7.    Set aside 10 minutes before bed to talk or simply cuddle and be alone with each other.

8.    If you have kids, hire a babysitter and get out more often. If you’re not using a babysitter once a week or more, you’re probably not going to please this type of partner.

9.    Sign up for various art classes or a skydiving course or do other activities as a couple. Sharing unique or exhilarating experiences is especially important to this type of person.

10.    Have “clear your calendar” days when each of you set aside a whole day on the weekend to spend with each other.

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