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It’s been said that touch is the language of love, and people with this love orientation need lots of it in order to feel cherished and valued. There’s also a physiological basis for this love style. Touching releases a number of feel-good neurotransmitters such as oxytocin and endorphins that are associated with love. Therefore a lack of physical touch doesn’t just leave your partner feeling jaded; it actually alters the chemistry of her brain.

Men are especially likely to fall into this love style, not so much because of their childhood experiences but because men are more likely to associate sexual expression with love. When the sex isn’t there, they have a hard time feeling loved or desired.

Signs that your partner is the touchy-feely type and needs physical affection to feel loved:

1.    They make complaints along the lines of “I don’t think we would ever touch if I didn’t initiate contact” or “we hardly ever have sex.”

2.    They grew up in a family that expressed a lot of physical affection; something you can see evidence of now by observing their relatives.

3.    They tend to be especially touchy-feely with you and are more likely to initiate contact.

Satisfying the Touch-Oriented Lover
The good news is that this is one of the easiest love scripts to improve upon, assuming you yourself don’t have other hang-ups regarding affection:

Add simple gestures of affection to your everyday routine

·    Put a hand on your partner’s shoulder as you walk by

·    Touch their leg while driving

·    Hold hands when walking

·    Make a point to sit close and lean into one another

·    Stand behind her with your arms around her as you talk

Special treats that your lover will like:

·    Give your partner an unsolicited foot or back rub.

·    Out of nowhere, come up to them and give a passionate kiss. It’s the spontaneity that makes it special, so do it during a time when he or she isn’t expecting it.

·    Throw in a little PDA (public displays of affection) here and there. Many (but not all) people with this love script will soak such things up.

Focus on your sex life
When the spark goes out in the bedroom, all too often so does the one in the relationship. This is especially true if your partner falls into this love style. So look for ways to spice up your sex life.

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